Providing an After-Practice Meal

Two families will partner to co-host a meal each night we practice. This helps distributes cost and effort, and provides a fallback if one parent is unable to attend. You also get to know other parents in the program and trade recipes!
Food Options
Meal suggestion is your choice, but please no pizza. It can be simple, as soup, sandwiches, BBQ, or anything of your desire. We typically provide a vegetarian option/side, but do not cater to other specific dietary, allergy, or cultural requirements.
- We serve only water, so no drinks are needed.
- You can use our oven and/or microwave to reheat preprepared meals.
- Serving utensils are available at the sailing center.
- Please bring disposable plates, cups, and cutlery.
Signing Up
Each practice has its own event in the calendar. At the start of the season you can go to the practice series list to choose a night to volunteer. Get in early to secure your preferred night!
- Any practice with an ‘RSVP now’ link requires a volunteer.
- Parents typically provide a meal for the night/group their sailor practices.

We have created ‘permanent’ discussions in both the Bronze/Silver and Gold/Platinum practice groups for parents to collaborate (and see what others have done previously). The number of people we cater for varies from season to season, so view these discussions to establish what the current number of meals is.

- You can reply, ‘favorite’, and opt in/out of discussions as needed, without overloading practice group with update notifications.
Thank you for supporting your community!